In the heart of the picturesque city of Zurich, Switzerland, a dynamic and engaging co-creation session took place, centered around the innovative Easierphone app.

Easierphone, a revolutionary application designed with senior citizens in mind, aims to simplify smartphone usage while enhancing accessibility. The session brought together a diverse group of participants, including seniors, caregivers, and tech enthusiasts, all eager to provide their insights and experiences with the app.

Easierphone in the Eyes of the Users

As the co-creation session kicked off, attendees shared their impressions of the Easierphone app. One of the attendees, who introduced the app to residents at a retirement home, noted that while the concept resonated with the elderly demographic, some found the English-centric interface and name to be a minor barrier to engagement.

One crucial aspect discussed was the emergency function. The mechanics of emergency contact notifications and the transition between contacts were explained. Robert from Pappy, a representative from the Easierphone team, clarified that the app sends an SMS to the second emergency contact instead of initiating a phone call. However, concerns were raised regarding accidental triggers of the emergency function, leading to a brainstorming session about potential solutions such as adding an acoustic countdown signal.

Navigating Features and Challenges

Issues surrounding customization emerged during the session. Participants sought to understand how to modify or add emergency contacts, and the moderator explained the process could only occur within the Easierphone settings, not through the emergency function itself. Moreover, she highlighted instances of accidental emergency triggers during phone calls. The moderator addressed these concerns, stating that the design should prevent such occurrences.

The functionality and reliability of the alarm clock were also discussed. One of the participants shared his experience of the alarm repeatedly sounding despite being turned off. Robert acknowledged this feedback and assured the attendees that it had already been addressed.

Appreciating the Benefits and Identifying Improvements

The users appreciated several features of Easierphone. Another participant expressed satisfaction with the rapid location sharing during emergencies, which could potentially save lives. The app’s layout and font size were praised, although he lamented that these adjustments didn’t carry over to external apps like WhatsApp. Robert clarified that while Easierphone couldn’t alter font sizes in other apps, general font size settings in the smartphone system could be customized.

The discussion turned to the presentation of trends and distances covered, with some users reporting inaccuracies. Robert noted the importance of continuous improvements and acknowledged the challenge of balancing simplicity with the inclusion of more functions.

A Blend of Positivity and Constructive Critique

Throughout the co-creation session, participants expressed their genuine enthusiasm for Easierphone. One of the participants shared her experience of successful emergency testing with her husband, who is the main user. The app’s versatility in adjusting to time differences while traveling was also praised. The magnifying glass feature as a boon for those without immediate access to reading glasses was highlighted.

Balancing Simplicity and Functionality

A significant challenge faced by the Easierphone team is striking the right balance between simplicity and the incorporation of advanced features. Users expressed the desire for a photo cropping and editing feature within the app’s gallery. Robert’s response underscored the difficulty in satisfying all preferences while maintaining an intuitive experience.

One aspect that received unanimous approval was the ability to customize content accessibility for assistants. The ability to limit what assistants could see within the app was met with appreciation and recognition of its importance.

Conclusion: A Collaborative Journey of Enhancement

The co-creation session in Zurich shed light on the diverse experiences and feedback from Easierphone users. It demonstrated the power of collaboration between developers and end-users, working together to refine an app tailored to the unique needs of seniors. As the app continues to evolve, the insights gathered during this session will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping its future, ultimately making technology more accessible and empowering for the senior community.